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- PublicationENIDS, Cooperative Regional Assessment Phase III: Finalization and Conclusion(1/1/2010)Using inputs from Phase 2 and through review of the consistency of respective government policies towards irrigation, agriculture and rural development, this Study (1) proposed institutional cooperative mechanism ('software') for actual projects on the ground (hardware nature) that will give win-win benefit to the countries; (2) identified capacity building needs and (3) proposed future projects with assured benefit and enhanced cooperation. Given that the EN countries have a number of complex challenges ahead of them associated with water scarcity, technology, institutions and socio-economy in their effort to satisfy the increasing food requirement of the growing population (which has exceeded crop production with limited available arable land), and increasing competition for jobs and high unemployment in rural areas, carefully planned and sustainable irrigation development and intensification of the existing irrigated agriculture is crucial in order to increase food security, enhance agricultural productivity and improve livelihoods in the sub-region. This is a key document to streamline national efforts in the field of irrigation and drainage and enhance the cooperation across the region.
- PublicationEN-MSIOA Situation Analysis(12/30/2014)The Situational Analysis of the proposed MSIOA project explores water resources development and management potential, social and environmental context, the proposed GIS and atlas to analysis the water resources of member states.
- PublicationMaster plan for water resources development and use, the agro economic model, (Technical report; 16, UNDP-EGY/73/024)(1881)This report includes broad objectives of the project, preparing an inventory of Egypt's current water resources, which consist almost entirely of the Nile waters, stored mainly in the High Dam Lake and controlled by the Aswan dams and distributed by a series of barrages downstream from the dam.
- PublicationMaster plan for water resources development and use, adaptive closed-loop operation of the High Aswan Dam (Technical report; 22, UNDP-EGY/81/031)(1884)This report discusses the present operation policy of the dam and furnishes the main physical and institutional constrains of the problem, also gives a brief account of the theoretical background of steady-state dynamic program is presented. Some aspects are also encountered for the adaptive closed-loop stochastic dynamic program. Application of the tow models to the real operation of the high Aswan Dam are demonstrated in the report. Summarizes the work and presents the main result and recommendations for optimal policy.
- PublicationMaster plan for water development & use second interim report(1979)This interim report describes the data and assumption for water planning that have been collected or agreed upon. It presents a number of issues and interim findings, and concludes with a note on the organizational framework for water planning.
- PublicationPart I: fisheries, ecology and health, part II: a scenario to the year 2000, International bank for reconstruction & development, (Technical report; 13, UNDP-EGY/73/024)(1980)This report describes the potential of cultured fisheries and natural fisheries and present activities concerned with the development of these fisheries.
- PublicationWater Demands: reconstruction and development, (Technical report; 2, UNDP-EGY 37/042)(1980)The purpose of this report is to examine the present demand for water for all purposes, to show how the demand in various sectors will be affected by growth and to project what the water demands will be the year 2000.
- PublicationMaster plan for water resources development and use: Economic evaluation of land reclamation(1980)This report is about adding new lands for cultivation by reclaiming. An economic analysis of the capital, replacement and annual costs and the potential yields of new lands are used for evaluation and for setting up priorities.
- PublicationEgypt water master plan, water resources planning guidelines(1981)This Report provides general planning criteria for project preparation unites, planning objectives, polices and standards for the formulation and evaluation of plans. This manual provides guidelines for estimating water requirements conducting operation, flood and sedimentation studies and describes data need for land classification. The manual includes outlining work plans for the economic analysis of an irrigation project.
- PublicationPresent and future operating scenarios for the High Aswan Dam, volume I: main report(1981)This study considers the cases after the completion of Jonglei phase I project, and also after constructing all Upper Nile conservation projects. The study investigates the yields from these projects and their impacts on the future carrying capacity of main White Nile River channel.
- PublicationMaster plan for water resource development and use, project information system, (UNDP-EGY/73/024)(1981)The first 3 sections of the Report gives a general background to databases; the fourth describes the system structures in three databases: Agro-Economic; Irrigation; and Drainage; the fifth explains the logical relationships between these databases and how files are related (by data item and geographic sub-division); and the last describes a methodology to retrieve and maintain a project information system.
- PublicationMaster plan for water resources development and use: The Agro Economic model(1981)This report is about an Agro economic model (Hapy) which focuses on issues of modeling Egyptian agriculture for purposes of long term planning. The preliminary results presented will concentrate on priorities for Egyptian agricultural development, the overriding question for adequacies of projected water supplies to agriculture in the future.
- PublicationMaster plan for water resources development and use, water and wastewater studies, municipal and industrial sectors, (Technical report; 13, UNDP- EGY/73/024)(1981)This report emphasizes areas where significant results can be formulated, with as much detail as is justified by the available data and information.
- PublicationProceedings of the conference on irrigation management in the Gezira Scheme(1981)This report is about an irrigation system and focuses on system inventory, cost of water in the system, simulation of a model on the irrigation distribution system.
- PublicationMaster plan for water resources development and use: The irrigation system: main report(1981)This report is about an irrigation system and focuses on system inventory, cost of water in the system, simulation of a model on the irrigation distribution system.
- PublicationMaster plan for water resources development and use: Consumptive use of water by major field crops in Egypt(1981)This report consolidates experimental information on the rate of water use for some of the major field crops being raised in the Nile Delta, Middle Egypt and Upper Egypt. Experimental data on evapotranspiration rates has been collected, revised, and summarized for each region.
- PublicationMaster plan for water resources development and use: main report, (UNDP-EGY/73/024)(1981)Part 1 of this Report describes the present and estimated water demands in Egypt by 2000; Part II presents findings and recommendations to meet that demand.
- PublicationMaster plan for water resources development and use, Multi-lead forecasting of River Nile Stream flows (Technical report; 21, UNDP-EGY/81/031)(1983)This report presents a generalized multivariate regression model for the forecasting of River Nile flows at nine sites of the basin.