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- PublicationBARO AKOBO SOBAT MULTIPURPOSE WATER RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT STUDY - Strategic Social and Environmental Assessment(2016-04)Report of the Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment carried out in the Baro-Akobo-Sobat (BAS) sub-basin, as part of the BAS Multi-Purpose Water Resources Development Study. It aims to integrate strategic environmental and social considerations into the Integrated Water Resources Development and Management (IWRDM) Plan being prepared for the BAS sub-basin.
- PublicationEgypt water master plan, water resources planning guidelines(1981)This Report provides general planning criteria for project preparation unites, planning objectives, polices and standards for the formulation and evaluation of plans. This manual provides guidelines for estimating water requirements conducting operation, flood and sedimentation studies and describes data need for land classification. The manual includes outlining work plans for the economic analysis of an irrigation project.
- PublicationEastern Nile Drought Monitoring, Prediction and Early Warning System(2019)This presentation is presented for the Kick-off meeting of the project Eastern Nile Drought Monitoring, Prediction and Early Warning System. It included introduction of the project, its purpose expected outcomes and deliverables and also the proposed work plan for the consulting firm with the deliverables at each phase.
- PublicationEastern Nile Irrigation System Performance Assessment and Options for Improvements Regional Report(2019-10)The principal objective of the study is to establish a knowledge base for irrigation development in the Nile Basin that can be used to guide national and regional water resources development planning. The study presents a comprehensive picture of the current situation regarding the irrigated areas. In spite of the role played by irrigation, and large amount of water committed to irrigation, it is widely believed that the performance of many irrigation systems in the Eastern Nile is below expectations, in terms of both water use efficiency and agricultural productivity. Irrigation developments are also generating mounting environmental and health concerns. The study was conducted by four individual consultants, one International Consultant and three National Consultants (one from each Ethiopia, South Sudan and Sudan). The International Consultant prepared an inventory of the existing and planned irrigation developments in Egypt from available sources. The four Consultants prepared an inventory of the existing and planned irrigation developments in each of the four Eastern Nile countries which included estimates of annual cropped areas, irrigation technology, crop mix, crop and water productivity, actual volume of irrigation water used and explained the institutional set-ups in which irrigation developments are operating including policies, legal frameworks, institutional structure, public/private role (including the role of farmers associations), human resources capacity, financing development and O&M. It also identifies factors that contribute to the current level of crop and water productivity, and which encompass, policies, legal framework, institutional structure including the private sector.