Impact Assessment of Eastern Nile Watershed Interventions for Scaling Up - Summary Report on Key Findings of the Entire Consultancy Assignment - Regional Report
Date Issued
Open Access
ENTRO Subjects
This report is thus the summary of the key finding of the entire consultancy assignment (as per the task indicated on number five above) highlighting the summary of findings in each of the tasks. The report is structured in different sections;
i. the biophysical and socioeconomic impact Assessment of the Eastern Nile pilot Watershed Interventions for scaling up,
ii. Assessment of Institutional /Capacity Building Impacts,
iii. Identification and Selection of Best Practices for scaling up,
iv. Regional Watershed Management M&E system and,
v. the last section deals with summary of the consultative review workshop findings.
i. the biophysical and socioeconomic impact Assessment of the Eastern Nile pilot Watershed Interventions for scaling up,
ii. Assessment of Institutional /Capacity Building Impacts,
iii. Identification and Selection of Best Practices for scaling up,
iv. Regional Watershed Management M&E system and,
v. the last section deals with summary of the consultative review workshop findings.