Groundwater Availability and Conjunctive Use Assessment in the Eastern Nile Country Report - Ethiopia
Date Issued
Open Access
Despite availability of various water resource studies of the Eastern Nile countries, there has not been a compiled regional groundwater report. The current work attempts to contribute in filling the gap by compiling existing groundwater data and information of Ethiopia.
Most of previous studies have indicated that in the Eastern Nile basin countries, the use of groundwater is limited to domestic consumption and micro irrigation development. With regard to irrigation, usually the preference has been for development of surface water. However, with increasing pressure from population growth and climate change, conditions have forced to consider conjunctive use of surface and groundwater resources.
Most of previous studies have indicated that in the Eastern Nile basin countries, the use of groundwater is limited to domestic consumption and micro irrigation development. With regard to irrigation, usually the preference has been for development of surface water. However, with increasing pressure from population growth and climate change, conditions have forced to consider conjunctive use of surface and groundwater resources.
Groundwater Availability & Conjunctive Use Assessment in - Ethiopia Report.pdf
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