Eastern Nile Multi-Sector Investment Opportunity Analysis Studies


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  • Publication
    Eastern Nile Multi-Sector Investment Opportunity Analysis Summary Report
    Drawing from and/or updating earlier ENSAP studies as needed, the EN MSIOA aims to undertake water resources analysis that would promote (a) sustainable management of common Eastern Nile water resources; (b) cooperative investment planning that takes into account the water scarcity of the basin and the social and environmental and economic implications of such investments.
  • Publication
    Eastern Nile Multi Purpose Projects Options Scoping (ENMOS)
    (ENMOS) is enhanced to support additional objective functions and constraints in consideration of the handful of unique features in the Nile Basin. The tool uses Excel Spreadsheet program for knowledge base management and presentation and GAMS Optimization computer program for solving the various objective and constraint functions. It customized to help assess the available potential Economic Benefits at various levels of cooperation, indicate optimal management of water resources under different hydrologic conditions including Climate Change, economic, demand and infrastructure implementation scenario.
  • Publication
    EN-MSIOA Situation Analysis
    The Situational Analysis of the proposed MSIOA project explores water resources development and management potential, social and environmental context, the proposed GIS and atlas to analysis the water resources of member states.
  • Publication
    EN-MSIOA Investment Opportunities Analysis Inception Report
    This Inception Report details the scope of a multi-sectoral assessment to identify, scope and develop project profiles for potential water-related investment options in the four sub-basins of the EN basin: the Main Nile, Tekeze-Setit-Atbara, Blue Nile and, Baro-Akobo-Sobat. It analyses investment opportunities across water related sectors, provides information on sources of finance for regionally significant investments and helps inform dialogue on regional cooperation.