Dam Safety


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 5 of 7
  • Publication
    Dam Safety Training Module
    The objective of the ENTRO Dam Safety Training Modules to provide a supplementary, nonbinding, tool for use in training programs to strengthen the capacity of dam safety management in the Eastern Nile. The training module is to be used by staff at Eastern Nile universities, to train interested students (including but not limited to Ministry staff, other professionals and degree students) in dam safety. The dam safety training modules have the following main objectives: Serve as a guide for EN dam safety trainers & provide basic checklists for dam safety management.
  • Publication
    Roadmap for Coordinated Cascade Dams Operation
    This document presents a Roadmap for a framework on coordinated operation of reservoirs in the Eastern Nile region. The Roadmap was prepared based on results of the Situational and Gap Analyses plus considerations arising from international practices and experience in the field of cascade reservoir operations. It includes results from the consultation workshop held in Khartoum from November 22 to November 24, 2016. The roadmap was developed to ensure consistency with existing tools and frameworks which have been developed by Nile-Sec. or ENTRO in the past.
  • Publication
    Reference Dam Safety Guidelines for Eastern Nile CountriesDecember
    This guideline has been prepared as part of the Eastern Nile Technical Regional Office (ENTRO) Dam Safety Program. The dam safety program includes an updated assessment of the baseline conditions as a starting point, the development of a generic set of dam safety guidelines applicable to the region and available for adoption by each of the EN countries, a “Road Map” for the preparation of EN dam safety regulation framework and training in dam safety management. This Dam Safety Guidelines is intended for Eastern Nile dams safety managment.
  • Publication
    Small Dams Safety Guidelines
    This guideline has been prepared as part of the Eastern Nile Technical Regional Office (ENTRO) Dam Safety Program. The dam safety program includes an updated assessment of the baseline conditions as a starting point, the development of a generic set of dam safety guidelines applicable to the region and available for adoption by each of the EN countries, a “Road Map” for the preparation of EN dam safety regulation framework and training in dam safety management. This Dam Safety Guidelines is intended for Eastern Nile small dams safety managment. This guideline draws concepts and processes from various international guidelines from within the ICOLD family of Technical and National Committees and also various US Federal Agencies.